We offer a wide variety of online and virtual training courses and options to help users increase their knowledge across all of our registry products – from beginner sessions to more advanced sessions. These courses are designed for different learning styles and busy schedules. Ultimately, we want users to feel comfortable and confident using our registry products. Enjoy!
Learn tips and tricks for data entry, how to adjust personal settings, manage user control and privilege groups, and run system and administrative reports. Watch Now.
Learn everything you need to know about count reports, including counting values from one data entry field, counting values from multiple data entry fields on one report, counting in custom ranges for numeric fields, and calculating averages. Watch Now.
Learn how to create per-patient detailed list reports, create simple populations, and constraints for use on multi-variable reports. Watch Now.
For advanced reports and populations, learn to create and use constraints on multi-variable reports, configure multi-variable reports to accurately report scrolling window data, create advanced populations for use on multi-variable and count reports, and create count reports using populations as variables. Watch Now.
Learn to create monthly Trauma dashboard report, create chalkboard reports, and create exception reports and discuss uses for data validation. Watch Now.