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Data Café Insights: Occurrence of Hospital Events

Updated August 12, 2024

8 min 55 sec estimated read time

By looking at data collected from the world’s largest de-identified trauma registry data program from January to December 2022, the 2023 ESO Trauma Index works to create industry-wide benchmarks and recommendations surrounding today’s most important topics. This month’s Data Café webinar is covering hospital events and the staggering toll they take on the industry.  This month’s Data Café webinar is covering hospital events and the staggering toll they take on the industry.  

Out of the 968,438 hospital records collected in 2022, 104,911 had at least one documented hospital event affecting 74,645 separate patients. ESO researchers found that the five most common hospital events in 2022 were:

  • Unplanned admission to the ICU
  • Delirium
  • Unplanned Intubation
  • Unplanned visit to the OR
  • Cardiac arrest with CPR

So, nearly 8% of all hospital patients experienced an adverse event, some even leading to preventable deaths. Most of these events impacted the most vulnerable members of society—older adults, low-income populations, and adolescents. Hospital events also carry significant financial costs, reaching into the millions each year. 

What are the key takeaways for establishing best practices? 

When it comes to hospital events, prevention is key. Create processes within your organization to identify events happening concurrently. Use your data to determine best practices for recognizing early warning signs to ensure care teams can anticipate and prevent events before they occur. Here are a few other things you can do: 

  • Prioritize validating prospective data and accurately benchmark hospital events 
  • Establish a non-punitive event review process to identify areas of improvement 
  • Implement projects to improve performance and address systematic issues 
  • Collaborate to improve trauma data quality 

Get a breakdown of the 2023 Trauma Index data directly from the authors

The 2023 ESO Trauma Index looks at current trending issues through a more data-driven lens. Explore the topics with the researchers behind the Index by joining in for the ESO Data Café Webinar series held every third Thursday of the month from 12-1 p.m. CT. Here you’ll learn how to better extract your own data and get answers to your big questions. Register now for this month’s Data Café on Occurrence of Hospital Events happening August 15, 2024.   

Next Month’s ESO Data Café Webinar: Injury Severity Score (ISS)

Have you ever wondered how patient injury severity scores are broken down by trauma levels? Join us on September 19, 2024, to find out using the power of data. And in case you didn’t know, you can earn nursing and registry-specific continuing education contact hours just by attending the webinar! Learn more or register now by heading to the ESO Data Café .

More from the Data Café Insights: 2023 Trauma Index blog series:  


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